We wish to inform prospective tenants that we have prepared these letting particulars as a general guide and to the best of our knowledge. However we have not carried out a detailed survey, nor tested the services, appliances or specific fittings. Estimated sizes (m2) are not to be relied upon for carpets and furnishings or otherwise. We always recommend that the occupants of a specific property should view it before applying for it to ensure it suits their needs. If you have any further queries please contact us before viewing the property.

Marc Lunau from HOUSES4RENT has been the rental agent for my property in Observatory, Cape Town since February 2007. He has been unusually diligent in ensuring that my property is well-cared for and in obtaining the best possible secure rentals. He has always consulted with me 2 months before the end of the lease to find out whether I wish to renew the lease and to advise on increasing the rental and improvements to the property if the tenants decline renewal. He is very particular about ensuring that new tenants can afford the rental and in fact guarantees the rent to me.
- Colleen Flanagan

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